Refusing to use the available physics does not make it useless." --John Denker "When I write science fiction, people tell me it's so real, it's so prescient, it's just like real life. The fact that people are literally dying on the street without anyone trying to help is a direct outcome of people's willingness to ignore suffering." --Dr. Lucianne Walkowicz "Crypto nerds will pattern-match, drawing enormous red yarn collages that prove they are very smart, babu88 that indisputably prove why you should give them money." --Pookleblinky "Accidentally typed 'Turing Complicit' instead of 'Turing complete' into a doc and now I'm all distracted by the implications of the former." --Dan Hon "Success is more about luck and opportunity/circumstances than deliberate construction. We're entering a world where, if you can't understand your own threat model, you're dead." --Dymaxion "A good pure researcher will, over the course of his/her/its career, get published a few times, see his/her/its work plagiarized, stolen, or otherwise borrowed by the commercial sector, and will be rewarded with an increasing sense of bitterness as he/she/it watches the universe continue to spin down entropically in several senses of the word.
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